5Scoops Team

5Scoops of Gelato

team’s key learning – it’s not the big who eats the small, but fast who eats the slow

Maryna from Ukraine

Don’t trust the experts

Dominik from Poland

Understanding what building brands means

Louis from Spain

being adaptable to change and fast chang

Tien from UK

Understanding our strategy, focus and priorities.

Goran from Serbia

Relationship between Gelato API, Optimalprint and Gelato Connect

Teams logo and slogan

5 Scoops of Gelato

Our values in photo

10 things we have in common

  1. All live in Europe
  2. Like ice creams
  3. None of us is native english speaker
  4. We love taking pictures
  5. We love burgers 
  1. We all have/received personalised products
  2. We all have driving licenses 
  3. We all have more than one work experience
  4. All born in a previous century
  5. We all like dogs

In the wild

Story about photo books launch

Nicolas Blanchet, peak season 2017:“On peak season 2017:

We decided to launch Photo books in Scandinavia, the problem was that all of our partners in Norway couldn’t print these products, the production was all centralised from Germany, but we still decided to launch.
How did we manage to succeed? So basically, we had to convert 40% of our office into a packaging station where all of us were doing shifts and focusing half of our time packaging and organising this photo books, they got through the season but not only that, the photo book business grew 50% during that season so it was a complete success”

Cultural attributes in action

Original art inspired by culture deck

Optimalprint office poster everybody should get

Team products - Powered by Gelato Woocommerce plugin

*All profits will be used as beer money this evening

Still not impressed?
sing our team song with us

Sing in a rhythm of Call Me Maybe


Verse 1:
We met a team from ’round the globe,
At Gelato, they’re ready to grow,
Five folks from lands far and wide,
In Oslo, they’ve got innovation inside.

We are here to change the game, no maybe,
In the printing world, we’re gonna slay, baby,
With Gelaties by our side, it’s not so crazy,
Changing printing every single day, baby!

Hey, we’re in Gelato, it’s no maybe,
From different countries, we’re a team, you see,
We’ve got a plan to disrupt the printing industry,
With innovation in our hearts, it’s a guarantee!

(Verse 2)
Maryna from Ukraine, full of color and style,
Says, “Let’s print it all, mile by mile,”

Tien from London, sharp as a tack,
“Better printing for all!” He’s got our back.

Luis from Spain, passionate and keen,
Says, “Sustainability’s the way to win the scene,”

Goran from Serbia, precise and cool,
Says, “Quality and speed, that’s our rule.”

Dominik from Poland, passion in his eyes,
“Let’s make Gelato the printing paradise,”

Different lands, languages, and faces,
But we’ve got one goal in all our embraces.

We are here to change the game, no maybe,
In the printing world, we’re gonna slay, baby,
With Gelaties by our side, it’s not so crazy,
Changing printing every single day, baby!

Hey, we’re in Gelato, it’s no maybe,
From different countries, we’re a team, you see,
We’ve got a plan to change the printing industry,
With innovation in our hearts, it’s a guarantee!

In Oslo, we gather, dreams in our hands,
Creating a future that spans all the lands,
With Gelato, we’ll make history,
Change the world of printing, oh so brilliantly!

(Verse 3)
With passion and vision, we stand tall,
At Gelato, we’ll conquer it all,
Different cultures, different views,
But united we’ll make headlines news.

We are here to change the game, no maybe,
In the printing world, we’re gonna slay, baby,
With Gelaties by our side, it’s not so crazy,
Changing printing every single day, baby!

Hey, we’re in Gelato, it’s no maybe,
From different countries, we’re a team, you see,
We’ve got a plan to change the printing industry,
With innovation in our hearts, it’s a guarantee!

So here’s our story, in a song so crazy,
Gelato’s team from lands far and hazy,
We’ll change the printing, it’s no maybe,
With unity, innovation, we’re the dream team, baby!